Collection : War Studies

The "War Studies" collection offers works of critical reflection on the military fact in the world, today and yesterday. All academic disciplines are welcome and multidisciplinary approaches are favored. The collection considers the military phenomenon in its entirety, publishing studies on conflicts, strategy, and geopolitical issues, as well as works on military organizations and the role and place of armies in societies in times of peace as well as in times of war, at any time and everywhere in the world.

The "War Studies" collection thus aims to decompartmentalize and multiply the viewpoints on men and women, ideas and myths, material, legal or economic conditions, which together make up the military universe.

• ISSN : 26778602
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Edited by Jean-Noël Grandhomme, Laurent Jalabert
Les marqueurs mémoriels de la guerre et de l'armée
La construction d'un espace du souvenir dans l'Est de la France
Numéro 7
The memorial markers of the war and the army. The construction of a space of remembrance in Eastern France.

Edited by Claire Miot, Guillaume Piketty, Thomas Vaisset
Numéro 6
This book aims to question the specificities – or non-specificities – of the commitment of military people to the resistances. It will notably consider the tensions between the fact of being trained to obey orders, on the one part, and that of complying with an ethos gratifying the refusal to surrender and thus of joining a resistance organization,

Edited by Sébastien Denis, Bénédicte Rochet, Xavier Sené
Numéro 14
As part of the dynamics of the centenary of the First World War, this book analyzes the birth of the military cinematographic services that hatched everywhere in the world when, at the heart of the conflict, the cinema, then quite a recent medium, committed itself to the service of States and/or the armies.

Philippe Diest
Numéro 2
To defend its territory and constitute its army, the French Republic engaged into deep military reforms after French-Prussian war. Numerous military buildings were then built or modernized.

Edited by Benjamin Deruelle
Numéro 17
"In order to make people forget or to force them to remember, they erased the traces of the past and flooded the media with lies to which they wanted to give the appearance of history."

Edited by Nicolas Charles, Stéphane Tison
Reconstruction(s) 1918-…
Les Ardennes après l'occupation allemande
Numéro 9
When did peace begin after the Great War? How were economic activities, social activities and celebrations reconstituted? Using the example of the Ardennes, the only department occupied during the entire war, ravaged in 1918 by the fighting of the liberation, 20 researchers question the return to normalcy.

Martin Schoups, Antoon Vrints
Les survivants
Les anciens combattants belges dans l'entre-deux-guerres
Numéro 11
320,000 out of 360,000 mobilized Belgian soldiers survived the First World War. Once back home, these war veterans formed a powerful social movement that put significant pressure on the Belgian establishment. In this book, Martin Schoups and Antoon Vrints analyze the persistent political dynamism of the Belgian veterans.

Edited by Matthieu de Oliveira, Marie Derrien, Élise Julien
Numéro 8
1918: the guns fall silent at last. However, there is nothing evident about coming out of the war. Whilst some long for a return to normality, others hope for a new future. These different aspirations and the continuous traces of the conflict still present complicate the advent of a "post-war world" which has yet to be defined.

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Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille