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Edited by Stéphane Benoist, Anne Daguet-Gagey, Christine Hoët-van Cauwenberghe
Une mémoire en actes
Espaces, figures et discours dans le monde romain
Histoire et civilisations
These are the proceedings of an international colloquium, organized in Lille by the research program 'Monumenta', whose subject is "the written and figured traces of the memory within the Roman world", about the staging in the Roman imperial space of the memory, from the Middle Republic to the Late Antiquity.

Alain Deremetz
Le miroir des muses
Poétiques de la réflexivité à Rome
Racines & modèles

Edited by Pierre Cazier

Laurie Lefebvre
Le mythe Néron
La fabrique d'un monstre dans la littérature antique (Ie-Ve s.)
Collective imagination shall for ever view Nero as a corrupt tyrant, a murderer, a fire raiser. Centuries have devised an everlasting and persistent myth. The author aims precisely to decipher such mythology.


Nommer le monde
Origine des noms de fleuves, de montagnes et de ce qui s'y trouve

Edited by Laurent Dubois

Edited by Jean-Paul Dumont, Lucien Bescond
Politique dans l'Antiquité
Images, mythes et fantasmes

Edited by Arianna Esposito, Giorgos M. Sanidas
« Quartiers » artisanaux en Grèce ancienne
Une perspective méditerranéenne

Edited by Delphine Carrangeot, Bruno Laurioux, Vincent Puech
Histoire et civilisations
This collective approach to the study of Court ceremonies and rituals from the time of the Roman Empire to the Baroque era (early 17th century) makes a significant contribution to the study of the emergence of European court culture as a whole.

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Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille