Collection : Perspectives

Series created in 2000 and supervised by Dominique Viart.

The Perspectives series offers new contributions to critical works concerned with 20th century literature. It gathers reference studies on contemporary literature whose academic values are highlighted and reinforced. Taking into account all literature genres and their relationships with other artistic forms and cultural disciplines, this series brings together the most innovative works of French and foreign researchers.

• ISSN : 2780-9889 (online)

• ISSN : 16213211
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Dominique Soulès
Antoine Volodine relates with both a narrative power and a singular relationship to history which are no longer a mystery. However, his language - which has never been extensively studied - is little known.

Carine Capone
Aux frontières du langage, l'évènement
Marguerite Duras, Claude Simon, Emmanuel Carrère, Laurent Mauvignier

Annabelle Martin Golay
Beauvoir intime et politique
La fabrique des Mémoires

Jutta Fortin
The spectre of the "dead mother", one that is physically present but emotionally absent, haunts Camille Laurens's literary work.

Edited by Nelly Wolf, Matthieu Rémy
This collective work aims to show that, contrary to popular belief, May 68 exerted a rapid, profound and lasting influence on literature.

Galia Yanoshevsky
Les discours du Nouveau Roman
Essais, entretiens, débats

Jean-Marc Lanteri
En noir et blanc
Essai sur Bernard-Marie Koltès

Dominique Vaugeois
L'épreuve du livre
Henri Matisse, Roman d'Aragon

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Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille