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Edited by Elisabeth Belmas, Serenella Nonnis-Vigilante
L'orchestration de la mort
Les funérailles, des temps modernes à l'époque contemporaine
Histoire et civilisations
If the history of death has given rise to many and great works for the last forty years, the history of the fate reserved for the dead body remains little known.

Olivier Ryckebusch
Histoire et civilisations
The obligation made for people of law to lead the beggars in the prisons of the closest city raises the question of the confinement in the big cities of the provinces of the North. In France, the royal State believes to remedy these difficulties by the edict of June, 1662 ordering the creation of a general hospital in every city of the kingdom. The

Edited by Pascale Mormiche, Stanis Perez
Histoire et civilisations
If French court is a classical subject in modern history, birth and early childhood in the curial environment constitute rare specifical research topics through the available academic works. However, many archives make possible to reconstitute what happens around the pregnant queens or princesses.

Edited by Alain Cambier
Les nouveaux rendez-vous d'Archimède
The frontiers between the body, the mind, the machine are vague. Whether the body is biological or socially constructed is not clear. The body is the object of philosophical, scientific and religious thinkings since the antiquity, but a central question remains: What are the limits of the body?

Edited by Véronique Christophe, Claire Ducro, Pascal Antoine

Bruno Boidin
La santé, bien public mondial ou bien marchand ?
Réflexions à partir des expériences africaines
Capitalismes - éthique - institutions Numéro 6

Edited by Judith Rainhorn
Santé et travail à la mine
XIXe-XXIe siècle
Histoire et civilisations

Edited by Élisabeth Belmas, Serenella Nonnis-Vigilante
Les relations médecin-malade
Des temps modernes à l'époque contemporaine
Histoire et civilisations

Edited by Agnès d'Arripe, Cédric Routier
Communication et santé :
enjeux contemporains

Edited by Elisabeth Belmas, Serenella Nonnis-Vigilante
La santé des populations civiles et militaires
nouvelles approches et nouvelles sources hospitalières, XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles
Histoire et civilisations

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Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille