Foreword to the authors
Les Presses Universitaires du Septentrion would be very much obliged if writers, when submitting their manuscripts to us, would follow the following few guidelines:
- - In the case of a collective work, all contributions should be complied in one single file (including a table of contents and the titles of potential chapters/parts of the work).
- - An electronic version of the manuscript should be submitted (.doc format), via mail or via document server (such as WeTransfer).
- - All bibliographical references should be presented in an consistent way (a general bibliography at the end of the manuscript is advised).
- - Footnotes should be generated automatically.
- - If your manuscript includes an index, please submit a list of the terms to index at the end of the manuscript, or, alternatively, insert index marks directly in the manuscript.
- - Illustrations should be incorporated throughout the text (as opposed to gathered at the end of the manuscript) in low resolution, with their complete captions (including sources and copyrights). Potential image rights and reproduction authorizations are the responsibility of the authors and should be settled upon before publication.
For more information, please consult the French version of this page.