Hommes de Dieu et fonctionnaires du roi en Gaule du Nord du Ve au IXe siècle (348-817)
Histoire et civilisations
Cette étude du clergé mérovingien et carolingien, envisagée dans ses rapports avec le pouvoir politique et dans son activité pastorale, est saisie dans une perspective évolutive pour faire ressortir les changements et les différences selon les temps et les lieux. L'auteur, à partir d'une documentation énorme et pulvérisée a réussi à dégager des constatations nouvelles, apportant une image vivante, diversifiée et contrastée du monde ecclésiastique à l'époque franque. Les conclusions des principales divisions font clairement le point et guident le lecteur dans un univers complexe.
Hommes de Dieu et fonctionnaires du roi en Gaule du Nord du Ve au IXe siècle (348-817)
First Edition
Jean Heuclin
Presses Universitaires du Septentrion
BISAC Subject Heading
05 College/higher education
CLIL (Version 2013-2019)
Title First Published
01 January 1998
Subject Scheme Identifier Code
93 Thema subject category: NH
Nb of pages
408 p.
GTIN13 (EAN13)
Reference no.
Publication Date
01 January 1998
Main content page count 408
16 x 24 cm
740 gr
List Price
29.72 €
Jean Heuclin
Jean Heuclin
Économies et sociétés
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Histoire et civilisations
Since the origins of Christianity, women have lived a consecrated life outside monastic orders, following a personal path and serving the Church in various ways.
Edited by Xavier Boniface, Jean Heuclin
Histoire et civilisations
The Great War tore the Roman Catholic Church: in both camps, it used the same religious references to legitimate the conflict. In the occupied dioceses, the confrontation of soldiers and civilians, churchgoers and priests of opposite nations maintained representations which were forbidding any real dialogue.
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The unexpected and lasting resistance of Maubeuge during its siege in 1914 led to a controversy around General Fournier through the twentieth century.
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Edited by Jean Heuclin, Christophe Leduc
Histoire et civilisations
Since the origins of Christianity, women have lived a consecrated life outside monastic orders, following a personal path and serving the Church in various ways.
Edited by Jean-François Condette
Histoire et civilisations
Between 1914 and 1918, the Nord and Pas-de-Calais geographical areas met numerous difficulties. About 70% of the Nord and 25% of the Pas-de-Calais had to face a strong German occupation. On the west part of the front line, the territory became a strategic place for the allied armies, landing on Calais, Boulogne and Dunkerque. With such terrible...
Edited by Xavier Boniface, Jean Heuclin
Histoire et civilisations
The Great War tore the Roman Catholic Church: in both camps, it used the same religious references to legitimate the conflict. In the occupied dioceses, the confrontation of soldiers and civilians, churchgoers and priests of opposite nations maintained representations which were forbidding any real dialogue.
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Histoire et civilisations
Edited by Elisabeth Magnou-Nortier