Le Parti conservateur britannique au pouvoir (2010-2020)

Le Parti conservateur britannique au pouvoir (2010-2020)

Edited by Louise Dalingwater, Stéphane Porion
Preface by Peter Dorey

Histoire et civilisations

If the 2010s in the UK can be described as a decade of multiple crises and profound changes, they can also be considered as a Conservative decade due to the longevity of the Conservative Party in power. Indeed, the party managed to win four general elections in a row. To this day, no thorough study of this Conservative decade has been carried out. The emerging historiography on this issue seems to regard it as a lost decade, but is still too focused on the issue of Brexit, or on sub-periods corresponding to specific Prime ministers' terms. This book offers an insightful perspective into this complex decade, going beyond the issue of Brexit alone, through the prism of a party that has remained continuously in power, while facing numerous issues and obstacles, some of which remain unresolved, and provides a first assessment of Conservative policies.

Title Le Parti conservateur britannique au pouvoir (2010-2020)
Edition First Edition
Edited by Louise Dalingwater, Stéphane Porion
With Mark Bailoni, Emma Bell, Edwige Camp-Pietrain, Louise Dalingwater, David Fée, Susan Finding, Romain Garbaye, Christophe Gillissen, Yves Golder, Thibaud Harrois, Richard Hayton, Marc Lenormand, Catherine Marshall, Sarah Pickard, Stéphane Porion, Philippe Vervaecke
Preface by Peter Dorey
Afterword by Catherine Marshall
Foreword by Louise Dalingwater, Stéphane Porion
ISSN 12845655
Publisher Presses Universitaires du Septentrion
BISAC Subject Heading HIS000000 HISTORY
HIS015000 HISTORY / Europe / Great Britain
Dewey (abridged) 900 History
Audience 06 Professional and scholarly
CLIL (Version 2013-2019) 3377 HISTOIRE
3394 Histoire post-moderne (depuis 1989)
Title First Published 07 July 2023
Format Paperback
Nb of pages 478 p.
ISBN-10 2757438816
ISBN-13 978-2-7574-3881-7
GTIN13 (EAN13) 9782757438817
Reference no. 2194
Publication Date 07 July 2023
Main content page count 478
Dimensions 16 x 24 x 3.2 cm
Weight 768 gr
List Price 33.00 €
Format PDF
Nb of pages 478 p.
ISBN-10 2-7574-3889-1
ISBN-13 978-2-7574-3889-3
GTIN13 (EAN13) 9782757438893
Reference no. 2194P
Related Formats Epublication based on (print product) GTIN-13 - (EAN 13) 9782757438817
Publication Date 07 July 2023
Publication , France
Technical Protection ebook None
Main content page count 478
Illustrations 1 Illustrations
5 charts
4 maps
2 illustrations, black & white
List Price 24.00 €
Format Multi-item Pack
Nb of pages 478 p.
Product Detail 2
ISBN-10 2-7574-3897-2
ISBN-13 978-2-7574-3897-8
GTIN13 (EAN13) 9782757438978
Reference no. 2194L
Related Formats Epublication based on (print product) GTIN-13 - (EAN 13) 9782757438817
Publication Date 07 July 2023
Publication , France
Main content page count 478
Illustrations 11 Illustrations
Dimensions 16 x 24 x 3.2 cm
Weight 768 gr
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