Politiser l'intercommunalité ?
Le cas des élections locales de 2020
Espaces politiques
Although intercommunality has been more present in municipal debates than in previous campaigns, the candidates' programmes are still not very precise on the respective prerogatives of the municipality and the community/metropolis. The campaign proposals very rarely refer directly to the levers of action of EPCIs with their own tax system and therefore tend to place the citizen at a distance from the reality of community public action. By revealing the stakes and consequences for the municipality of the strengthening of the role of intermunicipal institutions, the candidates fear weakening belief in the mayor's capacity for action, and thus harming the mobilization of citizens around the municipal ballot. Faced with the increase in abstention, the themes of proximity ("tranquility," “good living,” “security”) are still very present in the professions of faith and the programs of the candidates for municipal power. Inter-municipal democracy remains evanescent.
Politiser l'intercommunalité ?
Le cas des élections locales de 2020
First Edition
Jonathan Bocquet, Stéphane Cadiou, Raphaël Challier, Diane Delacourt, Arthur Delaporte, Fabien Desage, Clément Desrumaux, Julien Fragnon, Thomas Frinault, Guillaume Gourgues, Christèle Lagiern, Christian Le Bart, David Le Bras, Vincent Lebrou, Rémi Lefebvre, Guillaume Marrel, Alice Mazeaud, Jessica Sainty, Sébastien Vignon
Presses Universitaires du Septentrion
BISAC Subject Heading
Dewey (abridged)
320 Political science
06 Professional and scholarly
CLIL (Version 2013-2019)
3295 Elections, mobilisation électorale, campagnes
Title First Published
28 March 2023
Nb of pages
338 p.
GTIN13 (EAN13)
Reference no.
Publication Date
28 March 2023
Main content page count 338
14 x 24 x 1.9 cm
486 gr
List Price
28.00 €
Nb of pages
338 p.
Product Detail
GTIN13 (EAN13)
Reference no.
Related Formats
Epublication based on (print product) GTIN-13 - (EAN 13) 9782757438787
Publication Date
28 March 2023
, France
Technical Protection ebook
Main content page count 338
15 charts
2 maps
2 illustrations, color
List Price
21.00 €
Multi-item Pack
Nb of pages
338 p.
Product Detail
GTIN13 (EAN13)
Reference no.
Related Formats
Epublication based on (print product) GTIN-13 - (EAN 13) 9782757438787
Publication Date
28 March 2023
, France
Main content page count 338
19 Illustrations
14 x 24 x 1.9 cm
486 gr
« Politiser l'intercommunalité. Configurations favorables, stratégies avortées »
Rémi Lefebvre, Sébastien Vignon
Une médiation nouvelle
Plus visible, mais toujours aussi peu lisible. L’intercommunalité dans la campagne des élections municipales à Amiens
Diane Delacourt, Sébastien Vignon
Le scrutin métropolitain lyonnais : des élections de premier ordre ? Construction et hiérarchisation des élections
Stéphane Cadiou, Clément Desrumaux
Afficher son ambition intercommunale ? Les stratégies de présentation de soi des prétendants au pouvoir métropolitain dans les campagnes municipales
Christian Le Bart
Qui présidera l’agglomération rennaise ? Approche comparée des positionnements des candidats de la ville-centre [2008-2020]
Thomas Frinault
Écologisation, citoyennisation des listes et métropolisation des agendas
L’enjeu intercommunal, variable d’ajustement « discrète » des équilibres politiques locaux. Analyse croisée des cas d’Avignon et de La Rochelle
Christèle Lagiern, Alice Mazeaud, Jessica Sainty
La transition écologique vue de la « Comcom ». Adhésions et résistances ordinaires aux politiques intercommunales d’environnement en milieu rural
Raphaël Challier
Les listes citoyennes et participatives face à l’intercommunalité : un intérêt partagé mais hétérogène
Guillaume Gourgues, Vincent Lebrou, Jessica Sainty
La Métropole européenne de Lille dans la campagne municipale. Les velléités de politisation de EELV et de la France Insoumise
Rémi Lefebvre
Le « troisième tour »
La partisanisation des élections métropolitaines à Lyon : une démocratie intercommunale démasquée ?
Jonathan Bocquet, Arthur Delaporte, Julien Fragnon
Grenoble-Alpes Métropole 2020 : la guerre du trône. Anatomie d’un scrutin métropolitain sous haute tension
David Le Bras
Le cumul des mandats des conseillers communautaires à l’issue des élections municipales de 2020
Guillaume Marrel
Postface.Don’t look up ? Les incapacités politiques intercommunales, de la méconnaissance au déni
Fabien Desage
Rémi Lefebvre Université Lille 2, CERAPS
Edited by Rémi Lefebvre, Éric Treille
Espaces politiques
The virtues of primaries, supposedly an opportunity for a renewal of the democratic life and parties, are questionned today as disenchantment grows from the US to France.
Edited by Sylvain Lavelle, Rémi Lefebvre, Martine Legris
Espaces politiques
Is dialogue at the center of our social life ? Is it today a pillar of our democracy ? A remedy in the conflict, or a rampart against the passions and the violence? What exchanges does it allow between elected representatives and citizens, or between experts and laymen? This book tries to answer these questions using the criticism of the theories..
Edited by Michel David, Bruno Duriez, Rémi Lefebvre, Georges Voix
50 ans de transformations urbaines et de mutations sociales
Histoire et civilisations
Edited by Anne-Sophie Petitfils, Sébastien Ségas, Arthur Delaporte
Espaces politiques
This book provides an insight into the changing role of political parties in municipal elections, whereas they are becoming less and less visible.
Edited by Rémy Le Saout, Sébastien Ségas
Espaces politiques
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Edited by Anaïs Theviot
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Edited by Rémi Lefebvre, Éric Treille
Espaces politiques
The virtues of primaries, supposedly an opportunity for a renewal of the democratic life and parties, are questionned today as disenchantment grows from the US to France.
Edited by Sandrine Lévêque, Anne-France Taiclet
Espaces politiques
In 2014, French local elections have led to significant political changes : left-wing parties lost many cities while a dozen mayors from the National Front were elected. Simultaneously, the persistance of more traditional practices in campaigning and in the selection of candidates could also be observed.
Edited by Willy Beauvallet, Sébastien Michon
Espaces politiques
The book offers a wide panorama of the unknown functions of political advisers
Edited by Sylvain Lavelle, Rémi Lefebvre, Martine Legris
Espaces politiques
Is dialogue at the center of our social life ? Is it today a pillar of our democracy ? A remedy in the conflict, or a rampart against the passions and the violence? What exchanges does it allow between elected representatives and citizens, or between experts and laymen? This book tries to answer these questions using the criticism of the theories..
Edited by Bernard Dolez, Annie Laurent
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