Stéréoscopie et illusion

Stéréoscopie et illusion

Archéologie et pratiques contemporaines : photographie, cinéma, arts numériques

Arts du spectacle - Images et sons

The stereoscopic illusion is, most of the time, associated with digital images. Such approach occludes its history: indeed, the stereoscopic illusion is the result of a century of research, that aim at wondering people by manipulating their senses thanks to the impression of « relief » stereoscopic images give them.

Title Stéréoscopie et illusion
Subtitle Archéologie et pratiques contemporaines : photographie, cinéma, arts numériques
Edition First Edition
Edited by Miguel Almiron, Esther Jacopin, Giusy Pisano
With Miguel Almiron, Claude Bailblé, Martin Barnier, Ari Bouaniche, Renée Bourassa, Chu-Yin Chen, François Garnier, Rae Beth Gordon, Judith Guez, Réjane Hamus-Vallée, Zakia Ikhlef, Esther Jacopin, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Nick Jones, Kira Kitsopanidou, Laure Leroy, Margarida Medeiros, Teresa Mendes Flores, Guillaume Méral, Giusy Pisano, Demetri Portelli, Charles Tijus, Kim Timby, Geoffrey Tissier, Marie-Hélène Tramus, Christine Webster
ISSN 19554893
Publisher Presses Universitaires du Septentrion
BISAC Subject Heading ART000000 ART
Dewey (abridged) 700-799 Arts
770 Photography & photographs
790 Recreational & performing arts
Audience 06 Professional and scholarly
CLIL (Version 2013-2019) 3667 ARTS ET BEAUX LIVRES
Title First Published 14 March 2018
Subject Scheme Identifier Code      93 Thema subject category: ATFX
Format Paperback
Nb of pages 266 p.
ISBN-10 2757420704
ISBN-13 978-2-7574-2070-6
GTIN13 (EAN13) 9782757420706
Reference no. 1802
Publication Date 14 March 2018
Main content page count 266
Dimensions 16 x 24 x 2 cm
Weight 586 gr
List Price 28.00 €
Format PDF
Nb of pages 266 p.
Product Detail PDF
ISBN-10 2-7574-2088-7
ISBN-13 978-2-7574-2088-1
GTIN13 (EAN13) 9782757420881
Reference no. 1802P
Related Formats Epublication based on (print product) GTIN-13 - (EAN 13) 9782757420706
Publication Date 14 March 2018
Publication , France
Technical Protection ebook None
Main content page count 266
58 illustrations, color
13 illustrations, black & white
52 charts
List Price 20.00 €
Format Multi-item Pack
Nb of pages 266 p.
Product Detail 2
ISBN-10 2-7574-2097-6
ISBN-13 978-2-7574-2097-3
GTIN13 (EAN13) 9782757420973
Reference no. 1802L
Related Formats Epublication based on (print product) GTIN-13 - (EAN 13) 9782757420706
Publication Date 14 March 2018
Publication , France
Main content page count 266
Illustrations 123 Illustrations
Dimensions 16 x 24 x 2 cm
Weight 586 gr

Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille