Collection : Métiers et pratiques de formation
• ISSN : 12921092
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Edited by Maria Pagoni, Carole Baeza
Métiers et pratiques de formation
Bringing activity and storytelling together to explore the role of educational work in the emancipation of the subject.

Francis Danvers
S'orienter dans la vie
Tomes 1 à 5
Le lot des 5 tomes brochés : 155 €
(au lieu de 165 €)
Le lot des 5 PDF : 116 €
(au lieu de 126 €)
Métiers et pratiques de formation

Francis Danvers
S'orienter dans la vie : quel accompagnement à l'ère des transitions ?
Pour des sciences pédagogiques de l'orientation – Dictionnaire de sciences humaines – Tome 5, de la 801e à la 900e Considération
Métiers et pratiques de formation
Forty years of practice and research in the guidance of study and career choices for young people and adults, presented in the form of an Encyclopedic Dictionary of Education in five volumes.

Annie Jézégou
La présence à distance en e-Formation
Enjeux et repères pour la recherche et l'ingénierie
Métiers et pratiques de formation
In e-learning, how is a "distance presence" created between learners and with the trainer? This question is rarely addressed in scientific writings and engineering manuals. However, with the massive use of e-learning, it has never been so topical. This book provides researchers and practitioners with benchmarks to better understand under what ...

Francis Danvers
S'orienter dans la vie : une expérience spirituelle ?
Pour des sciences pédagogiques de l'orientation - Dictionnaire de sciences humaines - Tome 4, de la 701e à la 800e Considération
Métiers et pratiques de formation
The extraordinary of orientation is that it is like « leaving for the Indies and discovering America ». It means searching for one's orient, ton open up oneself to the spiritual dimension of existence. We reveal a hidden dimension of orientation at every step of our life which makes each person the creator of ist destiny »

Guillaume Escalié
Accompagner l'entrée dans le métier des enseignants
Contribution d'un programme de recherche en anthropologie culturaliste
Métiers et pratiques de formation
If the alternation is currently the most used model to structure teachers' training, the preservice teachers regularly emphasize the lack of collaboration between the different categories of educators involved in the training programmes.

Marie Cegarra-Cauli
Métiers et pratiques de formation
While help to developping countries remains obscure in most minds and thus a large misunderstanding of the goals and mechanisms of international cooperation reached a wide public, the book digs concretly all the way to the heart of a french language project intended for the training of health professionals and to the spreading of numerical ...

Edited by Rémi Casanova, Françoise-Marie Noguès
Métiers et pratiques de formation
This is a real origami that the authors fold through different ages, subjects and persons. What should we retain? That scapegoat is an unavoidable, timeless and worldwide process.

Edited by Anne Jorro
Les gestes professionnels comme arts de faire
Éducation, formation, médiation culturelle
Métiers et pratiques de formation

Edited by Christophe Niewiadomski, Patricia Champy-Remoussenard
Métiers et pratiques de formation
The aim of this collective book is to know and understand how educational work is today perceived, lived, questioned and analyzed, both from a methodological and a conceptual point of view.

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Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille