Collection : Environnement et société

Series supervised by Christelle Hinnewinkel.

This series of works highlights the multidimensional (either social, economic, ethical, industrial, scientific, technologic or else…) aspect of environmental issues. Far from being circumscribed to a determined scope, the environment keeps on "bouncing" from one dimension, one domain, one level of activity or reality to the next, from nature and its protection to the technical and industrial realm and technological innovation – via eco-technologies, from economy to science, from literature to concrete operationality, so as to better indicate its fundamental polyvocality and indefiniteness. The chosen approach in this series is to look at the ways in which the modern individual questions its relationship with the world, as an object of scientific knowledge but also of subjective apprehension.

This series gathers collective works as well as scientific essays and is addressed to a learned and curious readership.

• ISSN : 2780-6855 (online)

• ISSN : 17716152
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Stéphanie Dechézelles
Bataille rangée sur le front éolien
Sociologie des contre-mobilisations énergétiques
Environnement et société

Edited by Laurence Granchamp, Sandrine Glatron
Environnement et société
Kitchen gardens and urban agriculture are at the core of a wide range of social mobilisations and protests; they are turning into symbols of the reinvention of livelihoods and everyday life in towns, as well as of the re-politicisation of food and urban supplies.

Edited by Rémi Barbier, François-Joseph Daniel, Sara Fernandez, Nathalie Raulet-Croset, Laetitia Guérin-Schneider, Maya Leroy
L'environnement en mal de gestion
Les apports d'une perspective situationnelle
Environnement et société
Managing the environment.... Such a project may seem ambitious. However, it is essential. To contribute to this, this book offers an original and multidisciplinary perspective on a variety of issues.

Edited by Patrizia Ingallina
Ecocity, Knowledge city, Smart city
Vers une ville écosoutenable ?
Environnement et société
Whether smart or knowledge-based, the city of the future with its strengths and promises is already there. Characterized by ecological and urban innovation, its goal is the common well-being. The concept of an eco-sustainable city is born.

Edited by Pierre Lamard, Nicolas Stoskopf
Environnement et société
The question of energy demands attention as one of the major challenges of the 21st century. The concept of the energy transition is more central than ever to public policy, which then feeds down to regional level. But it appears that periods of transition associated with the emergence of new energy sources have been a recurring phenomenon since..

Edited by Séverine Frère, Hervé Flanquart
Environnement et société
How do people live in industrial cities ? What do inhabitants think about living next to Seveso sites, places that provide them with job opportunities but endanger their health and environment at the same time ?

Edited by Yankel Fijalkow
Dire la ville c'est faire la ville
La performativité des discours sur l'espace urbain
Environnement et société
Official discourses, marketing narratives, civic arguments, ideologies, theories and doctrines affect the production and the transformation of urban space. Introduced by Sharon Zukin, this collective work shows how the discourses of the users, the decision-makers and the designers of the city portray everyday town planning. They make the past and..

Edited by Vincent Herbert, Christophe Gibout
Plaisance et urbanité
L'intégration des ports dans les villes contemporaines
Environnement et société
Understanding the renewed relations of cities with their marinas. That is the ambition of this work which gathers researchers and practitioners of several countries.

Edited by Didier Paris
Vivre le territoire et faire la ville autrement ?
Regards croisés franco-brésiliens
Environnement et société
Current mutations of cities and territories raise the question of new forms of action and the role of public and private actors. Creativity and innovation are at the heart of the reflection. This book provides answers on issues of urban innovation, territorial development and living together in France and Brazil.

Edited by Christine Liefooghe, Dominique Mons, Didier Paris
Lille, métropole créative ?
Nouveaux liens, nouveaux lieux, nouveaux territoires
Environnement et société
The knowledge and creative economy is a major issue for European cities marked by the industrial revolution and the economic changes of the XXth century. How Lille Métropole, a laboratory of urban renewal in France, meets this new challenge?

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Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille