Collection : Claude Simon

Series supervised by Dominique Viart.

Represented by a skein designed by Literature-Nobel-Prize-winner Claude Simon himself, the series which bears his name unravels from book to book the tangled threads of his complex and rich work.
Freed from any critical doxa, the series deploys the multiple – and sometimes unexpected – faces of a Simon's aesthetics: uncompromising, attentive to the world, its history and culture but also demanding when it comes to writing and phrasing.

The Claude Simon series was created in 2007 by Philippe Bonnefis and Dominique Viart who shared its supervision till 2013.

• ISSN : 2780-545X (online)

• ISSN : 19579586
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Wolfram Nitsch
Mécaniques évocatrices
Claude Simon et la technique
Claude Simon
This book is the first to explore the crucial role of technology in Claude Simonʼs novels.

Edited by Dominique Viart
Claude Simon
The work of Claude Simon, Nobel Prize for Literature, finally made accessible! With the testimony of specialists, writers, actors, historians and the film directed by Alain Fleischer from the Claude Simon exhibition at the Centre Pompidou.

Ralph Sarkonak
Claude Simon
Representing the fruits of forty years of research, the essays in this book tackle the thematic dimension of Claude Simon's works as well as individual novels with particular attention paid to their subtexts.

Edited by Irene Albers, Wolfram Nitsch
Claude Simon

Catherine Haman-Dhersin
Claude Simon

Bérénice Bonhomme
Claude Simon

Dominique Viart
Une mémoire inquiète
La route des Flandres de Claude Simon
Claude Simon

Irene Albers
Claude Simon

Aymeric Glacet
Claude Simon chronophotographe
ou les onomatopées du temps
Claude Simon

Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille