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À l'école de Virgile II
Commentaire à l'Énéide (Livre 2)
This learned commentary of the fourth century allows us to rediscover the Aeneid of Virgil, Graeco-Roman mythology and ancient thought.

Alain Deligne
Études weiliennes

Cahiers de philologie Numéro 38
Chapters 4-6 of Aristotle's Physics, Book 2 constitute the first treatise in our philosophical tradition devoted to luck and chance. Simplicius’ commentary adds to Aritotle’s theory valuable explanations and illuminating developments.

Edited by Philippe Sabot
Discours et politiques de l'identité
À partir de Michel Foucault
What are the theoretical and practical roots of the logics of identity assignment that imprison our lives and seem to deprive us of any prospect of emancipation? Can we and should we escape from them? At what price?

Catherine Larrère, Philippe Sabot
In the early 2000s, the notion of the Anthropocene was put forward to designate a new era in the history of the Earth, marked by profound and irreversible transformations induced by human actions on the environment: this notion has itself led to the issues of "sustainable development", "ecological transition" and even " energetic transition ".

Aurélien Djian
Husserl et l'horizon comme problème
Une contribution à l'histoire de la phénoménologie
To what extent is the horizon a central concept of Husserl's phenomenology? If not new, this claim has still not been truly accounted for by the commentators. This book aims at showing that the only way to account for it is to embrace both the problem of the horizon and that of what Husserl’s phenomenology itself consists in.

Edited by Sébastien Fleuriel, Jean-François Goubet, Stéphan Mierzejewski, Manuel Schotté
This collective work is about embodiement. The book studies it from a sociological and philosophical angle in order to better understand how the social inhabits bodies.

Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher
Pour une logique du discours individuel
Opuscules Numéro 38
Conceived in full expansion of German idealism, but largely against it, Schleiermacher's Hermeneutics develops the first theory of individual discourse and defines the methods of understanding appropriate to it.

Simon Calenge
Les logiques herméneutiques
Hans Lipps, Georg Misch, Josef König, Martin Heidegger
Opuscules Numéro 37
Knowledge is life-form. It depends on the conditions of its production. This relativity is not a limit – it is on the contrary the véry source of the validity of knowledge. Hermeneutical logic is the study of this relativity and its productive power.

Vivien Longhi
Krisis ou la décision génératrice
Épopée, médecine hippocratique, Platon
Cahiers de philologie Numéro 36
The krisis of the ancient Greeks is not our modern concept of crisis, which has changed profoundly over time. What does it mean then? We need to go back to the sources of the notion, namely to the first Greek texts that give it a major place.

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Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille