Literatures > French Literature
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· Revue des Sciences Humaines Revue des Sciences Humaines
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Vincent Vivès
Far from being another study on Rimbaud, the work seeks to formulate the ethical consequences that poetry demands of its reader.

Wolfram Nitsch
Mécaniques évocatrices
Claude Simon et la technique
Claude Simon
This book is the first to explore the crucial role of technology in Claude Simonʼs novels.

Edited by Régis Tettamanzi, Bernabé Wesley
Roman 20-50, n° 77/juin 2024
L.-F. Céline. Manuscrits inédits
This is the first issue of the journal devoted to the L.-F. Céline manuscripts rediscovered in 2020-2021.

Edited by Claire Badiou-Monferran, Adrienne Petit, Sandrine Vaudrey-Luigi
Revue des Sciences Humaines, n° 354/avril-juin 2024
Imaginaires classiques en littératures contemporaines. Styles, Genres, Discours

Edited by Anne Wattel
Roman 20-50, n° 76/décembre 2023
Christiane Rochefort : Le Repos du guerrier, Les Petits Enfants du siècle, Les Stances à Sophie
A collection of critical studies on the first three novels by a leading figure in French feminism.

Edited by Dominique Viart
Claude Simon
The work of Claude Simon, Nobel Prize for Literature, finally made accessible! With the testimony of specialists, writers, actors, historians and the film directed by Alain Fleischer from the Claude Simon exhibition at the Centre Pompidou.

Edited by Christelle Reggiani, Christophe Reig

Jean-Marc Baud
Collectif littéraire
The first book on the Inculte collective, the most important group of writers of the last thirty years in France.

Carine Capone
Aux frontières du langage, l'évènement
Marguerite Duras, Claude Simon, Emmanuel Carrère, Laurent Mauvignier

Edited by Daniel Compère
nord', n° 80/octobre 2022
Les écrivains et le littoral picard (de Mers-les-bains à Boulogne-sur-Mer)

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Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille