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· Information - Communication

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Edited by Laure Bolka-Tabary, Zoé Maltet
Information - Communication
The book presents various studies (ethnographic immersion, surveys, analysis of media representations) questioning the difficulty of women to enter the digital sector.

Edited by Emmanuelle Fantin, Sébastien Fevry, Katharina Niemeyer
Nostalgies contemporaines
Médias, cultures et technologies
Information - Communication
Nostalgia became a major resource for contemporary media culture. Retro-tinted TV shows, the passion for vintage and patina furniture, retro-gaming waves or (institutional) commemorations of an often idealized past are an important part of our everyday life.

Julia Bonaccorsi
Fantasmagories de l'écran
Nouvelles scènes de lecture 1980-2012
Information - Communication
In the 20th century, the new mediality of the text and writing culture gave to the screen a major position in writing culture, as a framework, object and cultural form. Painters and photographers have contributed at the imaginary of the writing culture with images of "reading scenes" as a iconic genre. What are these “reding scenes” today and ...

Bruno Raoul
Le territoire à l'épreuve de la communication
Mutations, imaginaires, discours
Information - Communication
The territory is also and above all a matter of communication. This is the main idea of this book, which combines two central concerns: to show how communication as it is understood as a social function, with its networks and media devices, contributes to the shaping of territories

Edited by Yolande Maury, Susan Kovacs, Sylvie Condette
Information - Communication

Edited by Michèle Gellereau
Information - Communication
War Object Testimonials and Mediations in Museums. The collection, preservation and transmission of knowledge about the objects and the memory of the two World Wars is accomplished through museum mediation practices. Such mediation is carried out by museums in collaboration with collectors, donors, heirs and witnesses. What forms of mediation can..

Edited by Pierre Delcambre, Céline Matuszak
Écrire au magistrat
Nouvelles normes, nouvelles contraintes
Information - Communication
What does analysis of the production of written reports as decision aids for judges tell us about the new normative and managerial context which characterizes the youth justice system and judicial protection service for the period 2003-2011?

Edited by Christophe Hugot, Isabelle Westeel
Le vase qui parle
Un dispositif numérique de médiation pour le patrimoine culturel

Hafida Boulekbache-Mazouz
Communiquer la ville
Tracer l'urbain
Savoirs mieux Numéro 36

Edited by Jacques Noyer, Isabelle Paillart, Bruno Raoul
Médias et Territoires
L'espace public entre communication et imaginaire territorial
Information - Communication

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Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille