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Edited by Yves Lescure, Bertrand Hamelin
En jeu, n°7/juin 2016
Crimes de masse et génocides au XXe siècle. Varia

Edited by Dominique Herbet, Hélène Miard-Delacroix, Hans Stark
Histoire et civilisations
Germany is often and alternately accused of practicing a hegemonic policy towards its neighbors or too great restraint in foreign policy. This book proposes a nuanced picture of different aspects of German influence and restraint in the last decades.

Edited by Hubert Bonin, Bouneau Christophe
Paris-Bordeaux en train
Les trois étapes de la modernité ferroviaire 1844-2016
Histoire et civilisations
Each big railway network exemplified modernity, for the building works, the equipments, technologies and financing, as an adventure of progress! The connection between Paris and Bordeaux is thus valued thanks to this history from the 1840s till the present arguments about the profitability of the new high speed line (LGV), to be opened in 2017.

Bénédicte Abraham
Au commencement était l'action
Les idées de force et d'énergie en Allemagne autour de 1800
Dialogues entre cultures
This book seeks to show how the unfolding of an era, or of a moment of crisis, may be accounted for not only through events which occur or personalities who hold sway at the time, but through sensitive notions or concepts which come to be seen as the « signposts » of a change of era.

Stéphane Lembré
La guerre des bouches
Ravitaillement et alimentation à Lille 1914-1919
Histoire et civilisations
How do the civilians face the supplies' disruption during the military occupation of Lille by the German army? To answer this question, the survey has to concern social relationships and redistribution of the powers, from 1914 until 1919, in a context of dramatic hardships and daily fears after the beginning of the war.

Edited by Emmanuel Droit, Hélène Miard-Delacroix, Frank Reichherzer
Histoire et civilisations
Associating theoretical reflexions and field research on contemporary history, young French and German scholars challenge the issues of sources, temporalities and the relation to the other social sciences.

Edited by Hélène Camarade, Sibylle Goepper
Histoire et civilisations

Claudia Hiepel
Willy Brandt et Georges Pompidou
La politique européenne de la France et de l'Allemagne entre crise et renouveau
Histoire et civilisations

Edited by Sylvie Aprile, Cristina Cassina, Philippe Darriulat, René Leboutte
Europe de papier
Projets européens au XIXe siècle
Histoire et civilisations

Edited by Sylvie Aprile, Matthieu de Oliveira, Béatrice Touchelay, Karl-Michael Hoin
Les Houillères entre l'État, le marché et la société
Les territoires de la résilience (XVIIIe - XXIe siècles)
Histoire et civilisations

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Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille