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Edited by Elisabeth Belmas, Serenella Nonnis-Vigilante
L'orchestration de la mort
Les funérailles, des temps modernes à l'époque contemporaine
Histoire et civilisations
If the history of death has given rise to many and great works for the last forty years, the history of the fate reserved for the dead body remains little known.

Marion Aballéa
Un exercice de diplomatie chez l'ennemi
L'ambassade de France à Berlin, 1871-1933
Histoire et civilisations
The French minister for Foreign Affairs Théophile Delcassé might consider that "there were nothing to do but snoring in the French Embassy in Berlin" at the turn of the Twentieth century, serving as a diplomat in the famous French hotel on Pariser Platz at that time was no easy work. Diplomacy on hostile ground left little time to rest, let alone..

Edited by Gwénola Sebaux
Histoire et civilisations
The intensification and the amplitude of international migration at the dawn of the 21st century pose new challenges for Europe. At the heart of a migratory system on an unprecedented scale, it must urgently adopt a visionary strategy in order to reforge or restore its coherence. Prerequisite condition: the knowledge of its recent migration past.

Edited by Charles Heimberg
En jeu, n°8/décembre 2016
Les usages problématiques des mots du mal

Edited by Emmanuelle Aurenche-Beau, Marcel Boldorf, Ralf Zschachlitz
RDA : Culture - critique - crise
Nouveaux regards sur l'Allemagne de l'Est
Mondes germaniques
25 years ago, the German Democratic Republic disappeared as a state but what does remain of its heritage ? Specialized scholars will try to answer the question in the triple perspective of « crisis – culture – critique ».

Edited by Michel-Pierre Chélini, Philippe Roger
Architecture et urbanisme
From 1940 till the end of the Second World War, the Nord Pas-de-Calais region faced numerous waves of destruction. Reconstructing the area presented itself as a difficult process and complicated an already problematic situation, for indeed, as early as 1939, some Northern cities were already in desperate need of modernization.

Edited by Marianne Beauviche, Jean Mortier
Allemagne d'aujourd'hui, n°219/janvier - mars 2017
Les artistes alternatifs de la RDA des années 1980

Edited by Laurent Jalabert, Reiner Marcowitz, Arndt Weinrich
La longue mémoire de la Grande Guerre
Regards croisés franco-allemands de 1918 à nos jours
Histoire et civilisations
The Great War strongly marked the western societies of the XXth century until our days, quite particularly Germany and France. However, beyond a common history connected to both world conflicts, the World War I engendered memories at the same time close and different.

Edited by Carole Christen, Laurent Besse
Histoire de l'éducation populaire, 1815-1945
Perspectives françaises et internationales
Histoire et civilisations
The history of Popular Education (Non Formal Education) has aroused research work for thirty years but yet no review of this work has been published. 28 contributions dealing with France, other European countries and Quebec focus on the complex relationship to school, gender and the political dimension of Popular Education.

Jérôme Krop
Les fondateurs de l'école républicaine
La première génération des instituteurs sous la IIIe République
Histoire et civilisations
The historical analysis of the case files for both male and female primary school teachers who started their careers in the Seine district between 1870 and 1886 shows a much more diverse picture of the teaching profession than the one conveyed by the clichés of that time.

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Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille