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Edited by Joaquim Dolz, Roxane Gagnon
Éducation et didactiques
An efficient teaching of written skills relies on teacher training. What place and what treatment are made of the development of written skills in teacher training courses ? This book offers an analysis of teacher training practises regarding written skills and presents conceptual and practical tools.

Edited by Denise Orange Ravachol, Abdelkarim Zaid
Recherches en Didactiques, n°25/mai 2018
Didactiques et contextes culturels

Edited by Anne Jorro
Les gestes professionnels comme arts de faire
Éducation, formation, médiation culturelle
Métiers et pratiques de formation

Alain Mouchet
Éducation et didactiques

Edited by Christophe Niewiadomski, Patricia Champy-Remoussenard
Métiers et pratiques de formation
The aim of this collective book is to know and understand how educational work is today perceived, lived, questioned and analyzed, both from a methodological and a conceptual point of view.

Anne-Marie Jovenet
Des silences sur soi aux dires des sentiments
Comment faire avec soi-même
Studying silence at different stages of life and the conditions under which people can finally be brough to express their feelings : that is the ambition of this book.

Edited by Catherine Souplet, Abdelkarim Zaïd
Recherches en Didactiques, n° 22/décembre 2016
Enseignements et apprentissages

Edited by Ana Dias-Chiaruttini, Cora Cohen-Azria
Théories – didactiques de la lecture et de l'écriture
Fondements d'un champ de recherche en cheminant avec Yves Reuter
Éducation et didactiques
This book brings together the contributions of eighteen researchers of national and international renown in the field of didactics.

Edited by Carole Christen, Laurent Besse
Histoire de l'éducation populaire, 1815-1945
Perspectives françaises et internationales
Histoire et civilisations
The history of Popular Education (Non Formal Education) has aroused research work for thirty years but yet no review of this work has been published. 28 contributions dealing with France, other European countries and Quebec focus on the complex relationship to school, gender and the political dimension of Popular Education.

Edited by Ecaterina Bulea Bronckart, Roxane Gagnon
Éducation et didactiques
How to train to teach French grammar in primary or secondary schools? Initial training in grammar is often discussed or criticized. At a time of major changes in the francophone academic systems and in the schools' public, it's time for reflection. This book is the collective effort of experimented trainers and researchers in order to describe...

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Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille