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Monique Gallagher
Flann O'Brien, Myles na Gopaleen et les autres
Masques et humeurs de Brian O'Nolan, fou-littéraire Irlandais
Brian O'Nolan made himself know under the pen name Flann O’Brian as the author of the novel At-Swim-Two-Birds, precursor of postmodernism. Brian O’Nolan also wrote during 25 years and until his death the Irish Times column « Cruiskeen Lawn » under the name of Myles na Gopaleen…

Edited by Catherine Maignant
The Franco-Irish friendship has existed for many centuries and continues to flourish today. This book draws attention to the rich tapestry of interconnections between France and Ireland from the XVIth to the XXIst centuries, unveiling often colourful figures…

Edited by Patrick Rafroidi, Guy Fehlmann, Maitiu Mac Conmara
France Ireland
Literary Relations
Ireland's entry in the common market? Civil War in the North? Need to rediscover a remote but so similar fellow, to change landscape and myths? There may be many reasons but the fact is France is more and more interested in its Celtic sister…

Edited by Anne Baillot, Ayşe Yuva
Figures de l'intellectuel, entre révolution et réaction (1780-1848)
Mondes germaniques

Josef Čermák
Franz Kafka
Fables et mystifications
Littératures de langue allemande

Michael Rose
French industrial studies
A bibliography and guide
Domaines anglophones

Edited by Carola Hähnel-Mesnard, Dominique Herbet
Mondes germaniques

Adrian Grafe
Gerard Manley Hopkins
La profusion ténébreuse
Domaines anglophones

Pascale Tollance
Graham Swift
La scène de la voix
Domaines anglophones

Chantal Simonin
Heinrich Mann et la France
Une biographie intellectuelle
Littératures de langue allemande

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Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille