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Edited by Patrizia Ingallina
Ecocity, Knowledge city, Smart city
Vers une ville écosoutenable ?
Environnement et société
Whether smart or knowledge-based, the city of the future with its strengths and promises is already there. Characterized by ecological and urban innovation, its goal is the common well-being. The concept of an eco-sustainable city is born.

Edited by Séverine Frère, Helga-Jane Scarwell
Environnement et société

Edited by Stéphane La Branche, Nicolas Milot
Environnement et société

Edited by Rémi Barbier, François-Joseph Daniel, Sara Fernandez, Nathalie Raulet-Croset, Laetitia Guérin-Schneider, Maya Leroy
L'environnement en mal de gestion
Les apports d'une perspective situationnelle
Environnement et société
Managing the environment.... Such a project may seem ambitious. However, it is essential. To contribute to this, this book offers an original and multidisciplinary perspective on a variety of issues.

Edited by Helga-Jane Scarwell, Claude Kergomard, Richard Laganier
Environnement et gouvernance des territoires
enjeux, expériences, et perspectives en région Nord-Pas de Calais
Environnement et société

Éric Glon
Forêts et société au Canada
Ressources durables ou horreur boréale  ?
Environnement et société

Auteurs divers
Edited by Jacques Boulogne, Daniel Delattre
Histoire des sciences

Edited by Aurélie Choné, Isabelle Hajek, Philippe Hamman
Environnement et société

Olivier Ryckebusch
Histoire et civilisations
The obligation made for people of law to lead the beggars in the prisons of the closest city raises the question of the confinement in the big cities of the provinces of the North. In France, the royal State believes to remedy these difficulties by the edict of June, 1662 ordering the creation of a general hospital in every city of the kingdom. The

Edited by Philippe Deboudt
Environnement et société

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Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille