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André Stanguennec
Une interprétation philosophique de C. G. Jung
L'inconscient comme transcendantal
Philosophie contemporaine
For the first time, C. G. Jung's entire body of work is the object of a philosophical interpretation.

Edited by Valérie Aucouturier, Laurent Van Eynde
This book takes an insider's look at how knowledge is created in the humanities and social sciences.

Ioulia Podoroga
Boris Pasternak
Construction d'une expérience esthétique : musique, philosophie, poésie (1907-1922)
Opuscules Numéro 41
A poet's journey through music and philosophy.

Marco Angella
Sujet, corps, émancipation
Sur l'évolution d'Axel Honneth
Philosophie contemporaine
This book offers an original interpretation of Axel Honneth's thought and develops models for diagnosing social pathologies such as reification, by questioning the paradigm of mutual recognition and by highlighting the relationship between theory and practice characteristic of the Hegelian left.

Dany-Robert Dufour, Nicolas Postel
De l'utopie à l'effondrement
D'où vient et où va le capitalisme ?
A simple and accessible introduction to the intellectual foundations of liberal capitalism.

Edited by Christian Berner, Emmanuel Renault
Critique immanente
Histoire et actualité
Opuscules Numéro 40
How to criticize what is from what is?

Edited by Raphaël Chappé, Anne Durand
How and why did one come to consider, in the first half of the 19th century, in Germany, that philosophy had to be realised?

Edited by Christian Berner, Charlotte Morel
Opuscules Numéro 39
What is the sense of sense? An investigation through contemporary philosophy.

Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
Rather than the stereotypical image of Deleuze as a great opponent of Hegelianism, the book seeks to show that he attempted to accomplish the philosophical revolution that Hegel had begun but failed to truly accomplish.

Daniel Adjerad
A philosophical investigation which defines all the economic notions (capital, market, interest, exchange, etc.) of Bourdieu's sociology.

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Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille