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Edited by Martine Charageat, Mathieu Soula, Mathieu Vivas
Faire justice
Petit répertoire de sources commentées (Moyen Âge-XXe siècle)
Documents et témoignages
Written for students and teachers, this book is designed to help them approach the history of justice at any level of learning, whether as an introduction or a specialism.

Edited by Isabelle Marinone, Isabelle Moine-Dupuis
Cinéma et droit d'auteur (2e édition)
Réflexions historiques et juridiques sur la paternité du réalisateur
Arts du spectacle - Images et sons
Establishing a dialogue between lawyers and film historians, the book offers a series of reflections on the professional identity of the film director.

Sylvie Monjean-Decaudin
Traité de juritraductologie
Épistémologie et méthodologie de la traduction juridique
Juritradictology is a new field of cross-displinary study based on both legal studies and linguistics. It gives an innovative approach on how to deal with providing translation services to vulnerable people and translating many types of texts in a gobal world.

Nadia Beddiar
Enfance placée et service public
Les droits des mineurs au sein de la Protection judiciaire de la jeunesse
This work analyses the development of the decision making process in placing minors in care homes run under the aegis of Youth Protection and Juvenile Justice authorities, as framed by Youth Offending and Public Administrative law, by focusing on the interpretation and formulation of the rights attaching to the juvenile within the operative norms..

Jessica Filippi
Droit pénal des mineurs et justice restaurative
Approche comparée France/Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
This reflection, through a comparative approach in juvenile criminal law, observes the place of restorative justice, its institutionalization and its practice in the juvenile criminal justice system in France and in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

Vincent Chai
« Les Satisfaits »
Guizot et sa majorité à la Chambre des députés (1846-1848)
Histoire et civilisations
The revolution of 1848 had political origins: the rejection of electoral reform by King Louis-Philippe and his minister Guizot. However, under the July Monarchy, the Chamber of Deputies also had its say. The deputies were appointed by a minority of censitary voters and placed their trust in the king's ministers. It turned out that in 1846, the ...

Xavier Labbée
Introduction générale au droit
Critères et finalités de la norme juridique
Droit / manuels
The rule of law must be both binding and inspired by good as suggested by the sword and the scale that symbolize it.

Steven M. Wise
Tant qu'il y aura des cages
Vers les droits fondamentaux des animaux
Tant qu'il y aura des cages is the translation of Rattling the Cage by Steven Wise, a founding document in the field of Animal Rights Jurisprudence.

Edited by Xavier Labbée

Armand Héroguel
Traduire le néerlandais dans les affaires pénales (Pays-Bas, Belgique)
Dictionnaire néerlandais-français et français-néerlandais

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Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille