Pratiques d'ateliers dans la Grèce et l'Égypte anciennes

Pratiques d'ateliers dans la Grèce et l'Égypte anciennes

Du coroplathe au bronzier

Edited by Sophie Descamps-Lequime, Violaine Jeammet


In the context of the very current reflection on craftsmanship, the relationship between manufacturers of terracotta figurines (coroplasts) and bronzesmiths, often considered, is rarely demonstrated: they necessarily came together at certain stages of the development of their works when they made prototypes, impressions, moulds and intermediate models. There remain a few impressions, moulds and casts in fired clay or plaster, or even some terracotta prototypes. But what do we know of wax and unfired clay? How can we approach today the question of sculpture techniques that practiced modelling and used mould in Greek and Egyptian antiquity? If the notion of plattein (to shape) is thus at the heart of this book in order to reread the literary, iconographic and material testimonies on ancient plastic, the importance of moulding, i. e. the reproduction of an object through a mould, including bronze, is also reconsidered.

Title Pratiques d'ateliers dans la Grèce et l'Égypte anciennes
Subtitle Du coroplathe au bronzier
Edition First Edition
Edited by Sophie Descamps-Lequime, Violaine Jeammet
With Patrice Alexandre, Hélène Aurigny, Francis Croissant (†), Sophie Descamps-Lequime, Louise Détrez, Marc Étienne, Florence Gombert-Meurice, Violaine Jeammet, Natacha Massar, Aliki Moustaka, Fabien Perronnet, François Queyrel, Annie Verbanck-Piérard
Introduction by Sophie Descamps-Lequime, Violaine Jeammet
Collection Archaiologia
ISSN 21035458
Publisher Presses Universitaires du Septentrion
BISAC Subject Heading HIS002000 HISTORY / Ancient
HIS002030 HISTORY / Ancient / Egypt
HIS002010 HISTORY / Ancient / Greece
Dewey (abridged) 930 History of ancient world
932 History of ancient world; Egypt
938 History of ancient world; Greece
Audience 06 Professional and scholarly
CLIL (Version 2013-2019) 3377 HISTOIRE
3385 Antiquité
Title First Published 14 December 2023
Format Paperback
Nb of pages 230 p.
ISBN-10 2757439944
ISBN-13 978-2-7574-3994-4
GTIN13 (EAN13) 9782757439944
Reference no. 2226
Publication Date 14 December 2023
Main content page count 230
Dimensions 20 x 27 x 1.3 cm
Weight 541 gr
List Price 20.00 €
Format PDF
Nb of pages 230 p.
Product Detail PDF
ISBN-10 2-7574-4003-9
ISBN-13 978-2-7574-4003-2
GTIN13 (EAN13) 9782757440032
Reference no. 2226P
Related Formats Epublication based on (print product) GTIN-13 - (EAN 13) 9782757439944
Publication Date 14 December 2023
Publication , France
Technical Protection ebook None
Main content page count 230
71 illustrations, color
29 illustrations, black & white
List Price 15.00 €
Format Multi-item Pack
Nb of pages 230 p.
Product Detail 2
ISBN-10 2-7574-4012-8
ISBN-13 978-2-7574-4012-4
GTIN13 (EAN13) 9782757440124
Reference no. 2226L
Related Formats Epublication based on (print product) GTIN-13 - (EAN 13) 9782757439944
Publication Date 14 December 2023
Publication , France
Main content page count 230
Illustrations 100 Illustrations
Dimensions 20 x 27 x 1.3 cm
Weight 541 gr

Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille