Critiques du dialogue
Discussion, traduction, participation
Espaces politiques
Le dialogue est-il au cœur de notre vie sociale ? Est-il aujourd'hui un pilier de la démocratie ? Un remède au conflit ou un rempart contre les passions et la violence ? Quels échanges permet-il entre élus et citoyens ou entre experts et profanes ? L’ouvrage tente de répondre à ces questions par la critique des théories et des pratiques du dialogue et de leurs usages politiques. Il prend le parti d’explorer les points aveugles du dialogisme et de ses méthodes, de la logique à l’anthropologie, et de l’éthique à la politique, à partir d’auteurs tels que Habermas, Jacques, Latour, Callon, Mansbridge, Rosanvallon, Honneth. Il s’appuie en outre sur un ensemble de cas qui révèlent les conditions et les limites du dialogue dans une variété d’arènes, de la sphère publique à la sphère privée : Grenelle de l’environnement, débats publics, jurys citoyens, organisations de travail... L’ouvrage tire toute sa richesse des contributions de chercheurs confirmés issus de plusieurs disciplines (philosophie, linguistique, sociologie, science politique,…).
Critiques du dialogue
Discussion, traduction, participation
First Edition
Presses Universitaires du Septentrion
BISAC Subject Heading
Dewey (abridged)
300-399 Social sciences
320 Political science
05 College/higher education
CLIL (Version 2013-2019)
Title First Published
24 November 2016
Subject Scheme Identifier Code
93 Thema subject category: JP
Nb of pages
404 p.
GTIN13 (EAN13)
Reference no.
Publication Date
24 November 2016
Main content page count 404
14 x 24 x 2.1 cm
550 gr
List Price
28.00 €
Nb of pages
404 p.
Product Detail
GTIN13 (EAN13)
Reference no.
Related Formats
Epublication based on (print product) GTIN-13 - (EAN 13) 9782757413845
Publication Date
24 November 2016
, France
Technical Protection ebook
Main content page count 404
List Price
21.00 €
Rémi Lefebvre Université Lille 2, CERAPS
Edited by Rémi Lefebvre, Sébastien Vignon
Espaces politiques
Although strengthened by the NOTRe law (August 7, 2015), intermunicipal institutions remain (still) at the end of the 2020 municipal election campaign a level of public action that is not very visible to citizens. The electoral debates have not indeed produced the conditions for a (new) democratic debate on intercommunality.
Edited by Rémi Lefebvre, Éric Treille
Espaces politiques
The virtues of primaries, supposedly an opportunity for a renewal of the democratic life and parties, are questionned today as disenchantment grows from the US to France.
Edited by Michel David, Bruno Duriez, Rémi Lefebvre, Georges Voix
50 ans de transformations urbaines et de mutations sociales
Histoire et civilisations
Edited by Rémi Lefebvre, Sébastien Vignon
Espaces politiques
Although strengthened by the NOTRe law (August 7, 2015), intermunicipal institutions remain (still) at the end of the 2020 municipal election campaign a level of public action that is not very visible to citizens. The electoral debates have not indeed produced the conditions for a (new) democratic debate on intercommunality.
Edited by Anne-Sophie Petitfils, Sébastien Ségas, Arthur Delaporte
Espaces politiques
This book provides an insight into the changing role of political parties in municipal elections, whereas they are becoming less and less visible.
Edited by Rémy Le Saout, Sébastien Ségas
Espaces politiques
This book provides a better understanding of the issues at stake in the compensation of political mandates in France.
Edited by Rémi Lefebvre, Sébastien Vignon
Espaces politiques
Although strengthened by the NOTRe law (August 7, 2015), intermunicipal institutions remain (still) at the end of the 2020 municipal election campaign a level of public action that is not very visible to citizens. The electoral debates have not indeed produced the conditions for a (new) democratic debate on intercommunality.
Edited by Jean-Louis Briquet, Laurent Godmer
Espaces politiques
Can politics exist without territorial anchoring, ie without continual presence in a restricted area and without a sustainable link between political actors, local social groupings and spaces where social life and collective interests organize themselves?
Edited by Jérôme Dupuis, Maryvonne Prévot
Espaces politiques
Faced with tensions between the State and the local government representatives on the one hand, and in the light of the forcoming municipal elections on the other, this book about the former Lille Mayor and Prime Minister Pierre Maury is more than ever in the news.
Edited by Anaïs Theviot
Espaces politiques
In a context of mistrust of parties and politicians (distance from political arenas, ideological jamming, politico-financial affairs, "drifts" of political communication…), denigration of the work of journalists.
Edited by Rémi Lefebvre, Éric Treille
Espaces politiques
The virtues of primaries, supposedly an opportunity for a renewal of the democratic life and parties, are questionned today as disenchantment grows from the US to France.
Edited by Sandrine Lévêque, Anne-France Taiclet
Espaces politiques
In 2014, French local elections have led to significant political changes : left-wing parties lost many cities while a dozen mayors from the National Front were elected. Simultaneously, the persistance of more traditional practices in campaigning and in the selection of candidates could also be observed.
Edited by Willy Beauvallet, Sébastien Michon
Espaces politiques
The book offers a wide panorama of the unknown functions of political advisers
Edited by Bernard Dolez, Annie Laurent
Des roses en mars
Les élections régionales et cantonales de 1998 dans le Nord/Pas-de-Calais
Histoire et civilisations