Collection : Histoire et civilisations

Series supervised by Carole Christen.

This series is concerned with individual and collective historical studies of the medieval, modern and contemporaries eras. With already 140 titles in its catalogue, it puts forwards the various historical methods but never favors one over the other. Studies pertaining to urban or rural history, demographic, economic, social, political, cultural or religious history, biographies and historical essays are amongst the ever-growing and wide-ranging panel of works in this series.

• ISSN : 2780-7827 (online)

• ISSN : 12845655
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Damiano Matasci
Internationaliser l'éducation
La France, l'UNESCO et la fin des empires coloniaux en Afrique (1945-1961)
Histoire et civilisations

Bruno Béthouart
André Diligent
Itinéraire d'un chrétien démocrate du Nord
Histoire et civilisations

Sébastien Rozeaux
Letras Pátrias
Les écrivains et la création d'une culture nationale au Brésil (1822-1889)
Histoire et civilisations
Letras Pátrias – the patriotic letters. This is how Brazilian writers qualified a literature that was given the mission of founding the Brazilian identity in the decades following the independence, proclaimed in 1822.

Edited by Christian Borde, Jean-François Grevet, Sébastien Martin, Laurent Warlouzet
La résilience des villes portuaires européennes (Tome 1)
Crises et réinventions (XVIe-XXIe siècle)
Histoire et civilisations
This book proposes a new approach to the history of ports, from the 16th century to the present day, by applying for the first time the concept of "resilience".

Mélanie Dubois Morestin
Être entrepreneur au Moyen Âge
Jean Teisseire, artisan cordier d'Avignon
Histoire et civilisations
Who were businessmen in the Middle Ages and how did they manage their accountings? The diary of Jean Teisseire, a hemper of Avignon in the XIVth century gives us a new insight in the inner perception of a head of a family.

Edited by Stefano Magagnoli, Philippe Meyzie
Réputation et marché
Produits, origines et marques : perspectives historiques
Histoire et civilisations
Understanding why a product is clearly identified, distinct from others and recognized for its specific qualities is a key question for figuring out economy: reputation is the cornerstone of this process.

Edited by Emmanuelle Berthiaud, François Léger, Jérôme van Wijland
Histoire et civilisations
What do children suffer from? Where to look after them and welcome them? How and when to vaccinate them? In medical theory and practice, concern for childhood has a multifaceted, non-linear history that this book seeks to explore.

Edited by Carole Christen, Samuel Hayat, Caroline Fayolle
S'unir, travailler, résister
Les associations ouvrières au XIXe siècle
Histoire et civilisations
A key word for the labour movement and a key concept for many socialist theorists, the association crystallised in 19th century Europe the aspirations for a fairer and more egalitarian reorganisation of work.

Yannick Clavé
Les proviseurs de lycée au XIXe siècle (1802-1914)
Servir l'État, former la jeunesse
Histoire et civilisations
High school principals in the 19th century (1802-1914): managing a school, serving the State, and training youth.

Edited by Caroline zum Kolk, Boris Bove, Alain Salamagne
Histoire et civilisations
The studies composing this book examine, from a comparative perspective, the long-term evolution of curial itinerancy in France, the nature of courtly mobility and its impact on both the royal entourage and society at large.

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Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille