Linguistics, traductology > Translation studies
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Séverine Clément-Tarantino
Ciris (deuxième édition actualisée)
Paraphrases du Pseudo-Virgile
The Ciris is a short epic poem long attributed to Virgil. Discover the story of another Scylla than Homer's, and let yourself be moved by her story!

Michel Rochard
An intellectual assessment of the working life of one of the very few head of a translation service in an international organisation who also taught translation and published quite a number of articles on translation.

Sylvie Monjean-Decaudin
Traité de juritraductologie
Épistémologie et méthodologie de la traduction juridique
Juritradictology is a new field of cross-displinary study based on both legal studies and linguistics. It gives an innovative approach on how to deal with providing translation services to vulnerable people and translating many types of texts in a gobal world.

Edited by Tatiana Milliaressi
Epistemic translation is the translation that transmits knowledge. Its purpose is to convince the addressee of the appropriateness and the relevance of the statement. This is the third type of translation.

Edited by Giuditta Caliendo, Corinne Oster
Traduire la criminalité
Perspectives traductologiques et discursives
In times of increasingly globalised criminal activities, this book investigates the discursive representations of crime and organised crime and looks at the translation of its complex definitions and notions from a multiple theoretical and methodological framework, encompassing studies in the field of linguistics, multimodal and discourse ...

Edited by Michel Berré, Béatrice Costa, Adrien Kefer, Céline Letawe, Hedwig Reuter, Gudrun Vanderbauwhede
What grammar should be taught to translators-to-be? Even though grammar is part of translation curricula, grammar teaching has been little discussed until now. The aim of this book is to fill the void by presenting studies by 16 specialists. They are divided in four themes reflecting four perspectives (translators, translation scholars, grammarians

Edited by Thomas Barège, Catherine Gravet, Stéphanie Schwerter
L'erreur culturelle en traduction
Lectures littéraires
The history of Translation Studies is full of striking comparisons used to describe bad translations. They range from the back of a tapestry to the sickly complexion of an invalid or to the image of a sinking ship – no matter what the image, these comparisons are used by translators to criticise their predecessors.

Edited by Frédérique Brisset, Audrey Coussy, Ronald Jenn, Julie Loison-Charles
Du jeu dans la langue
Traduire le jeu de mots
Translating can be playful, but can playful be translated? For translation experts, wordplay is the utmost challenge, whether it be a play on and with words (anagram, antanaclasis, pun, spoonerism, paronomasia...), a language play (portmanteau word, parodic subversion) or even a wordplay due to a language accident. This book provides a panorama...

Michel Ballard
Antiquité et traduction
De l'Égypte ancienne à Jérôme
Translation is everywhere today and is essential to allow people and cultures to communicate. Yet, this activity goes back thousands of years and it has not always assumed the same form, nor have the stakes always been the same. The history of translation, which is part and parcel of the discipline called "translation studies", makes it possible to

Lucile Davier
Despite the fact that translation plays a key role in news agencies' reporting of multilingual news, it has long been overlooked or simply ignored. This may be explained not only by journalists’ conceptions of the nature of translation, but also by the lack of contact between translation studies and communication studies.

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Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille