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Arnaud Timbert
Viollet-le-Duc et Pierrefonds
Histoire d'un chantier
Documents et témoignages
The castle of Pierrefonds, restored by the architect Viollet-le-Duc at the request of Napoleon III, is one of the most prestigious building sites of the second half of the 19th century.

Laurie Lefebvre
Le mythe Néron
La fabrique d'un monstre dans la littérature antique (Ie-Ve s.)
Collective imagination shall for ever view Nero as a corrupt tyrant, a murderer, a fire raiser. Centuries have devised an everlasting and persistent myth. The author aims precisely to decipher such mythology.

Edited by Nacima Baron, Stéphane Boissellier, François Clément, Flocel Sabaté
Histoire et civilisations
The large territorial units are consolidated thanks to the fit between power, territory and the population that belong to them, and the limits are not simple lines but rather the vectors that define identity and otherness, each visualised on one or the other side of the limits. That is why the way the boundaries of supra-local entities, like the...

Edited by Gwénola Sebaux
Histoire et civilisations
The intensification and the amplitude of international migration at the dawn of the 21st century pose new challenges for Europe. At the heart of a migratory system on an unprecedented scale, it must urgently adopt a visionary strategy in order to reforge or restore its coherence. Prerequisite condition: the knowledge of its recent migration past.

Edited by Charles Heimberg
En jeu, n°8/décembre 2016
Les usages problématiques des mots du mal

Edited by Michel-Pierre Chélini, Philippe Roger
Architecture et urbanisme
From 1940 till the end of the Second World War, the Nord Pas-de-Calais region faced numerous waves of destruction. Reconstructing the area presented itself as a difficult process and complicated an already problematic situation, for indeed, as early as 1939, some Northern cities were already in desperate need of modernization.

Edited by Didier Bouillon, André Guillerme, Martine Mille, Gersende Piernas
Histoire et civilisations
The technical gesture is nowadays recognized as an integral part of an "intangible cultural heritage », due to the unrivaled richness of living professions and crafts. How to understand the technical gesture in every shape and form, in the course of time, thanks to words, images and material imprints? Designed by the authors as the essential...

Edited by Laurent Jalabert, Reiner Marcowitz, Arndt Weinrich
La longue mémoire de la Grande Guerre
Regards croisés franco-allemands de 1918 à nos jours
Histoire et civilisations
The Great War strongly marked the western societies of the XXth century until our days, quite particularly Germany and France. However, beyond a common history connected to both world conflicts, the World War I engendered memories at the same time close and different.

Isabelle Guyot-Bachy
Histoire et civilisations
What role did the Flemish play in the birth of the French nation? What did a clerk from Brittany or a nobleman from Provence knew about Bovines, Kortrijk, Cassel or Roosebeke, battles that are emblematic of the five-century fight between Flanders and the Kingdom of France? What was said at that time in Normandy or in Auvergne about Flanders...

Edited by Carole Christen, Laurent Besse
Histoire de l'éducation populaire, 1815-1945
Perspectives françaises et internationales
Histoire et civilisations
The history of Popular Education (Non Formal Education) has aroused research work for thirty years but yet no review of this work has been published. 28 contributions dealing with France, other European countries and Quebec focus on the complex relationship to school, gender and the political dimension of Popular Education.

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Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille