Collection : Documents et témoignages
• ISSN : 12846155
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Pierre-Louis-Nicolas Delahaye, Jacques Bernet
Le journal d'un maître d'école d'Île-de-France 1792-1803
2e période 1792-1803. Silly-en-Multien, de la Convention au Consulat
Documents et témoignages
The second period of the precious diary by Pierre-Louis-Nicolas Delahaye (1745-1805), school master at Silly-en-Multien (Oise), covers the crucial 1792-1803 era from the Convention to the Consulate. As a shrewd observer and local actor, the author bears witness in a very vivid way to the emergence of the Revolution in the village while revealing...

Andreas Nijenhuis-Bescher
Documents et témoignages
The Netherlands at the time of Rembrandt and Vermeer, as seen by French travellers

Edited by Martine Charageat, Mathieu Soula, Mathieu Vivas
Faire justice
Petit répertoire de sources commentées (Moyen Âge-XXe siècle)
Documents et témoignages
Written for students and teachers, this book is designed to help them approach the history of justice at any level of learning, whether as an introduction or a specialism.

Edited by Philippe Marchand
Raconter la guerre
Souvenirs des élèves du département du Nord (1920)
Documents et témoignages
In May 1920, on the occasion of an International Exhibition for the Renaissance of the liberated regions, Georges Lyon Lille chief education officer, asked the teachers to reply to a questionnaire and asked the pupils to write an essay about their memories at war and a narrative dramatic experience they could have been watching as well.

Hans von Zwehl
Documents et témoignages
The unexpected and lasting resistance of Maubeuge during its siege in 1914 led to a controversy around General Fournier through the twentieth century.

Arnaud Timbert
Viollet-le-Duc et Pierrefonds
Histoire d'un chantier
Documents et témoignages
The castle of Pierrefonds, restored by the architect Viollet-le-Duc at the request of Napoleon III, is one of the most prestigious building sites of the second half of the 19th century.

Georges Lyon
Edited by Jean-François Condette
Documents et témoignages
Georges Lyon, the regional Chief Education Officer, facing the German invasion, decided in 1914 to remain committed to supporting school and university structures belonging to the occupied part of the Lille region in order to keep them alive. During the War, he wrote his Memoirs which can be considered as a precious testimony to better understand..

Denise Delmas-Decreus
Edited by Bernard Delmas
Journal de guerre d'une institutrice du Nord 1939-1945
à Dunkerque, Arras, Bailleul, Hazebrouck
Documents et témoignages

Edited by Annette Becker
Documents et témoignages

Pierre Deffontaines
Journal de guerre (1939-1944)
Pierre Deffontaines, directeur de l'Institut français de Barcelone
Documents et témoignages

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Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille