Roman 20-50, n° 76/décembre 2023

Roman 20-50, n° 76/décembre 2023

Christiane Rochefort : Le Repos du guerrier, Les Petits Enfants du siècle, Les Stances à Sophie

Edited by Anne Wattel

Roman 20-50

Christiane Rochefort, a leading figure in French feminism whose work is nourished by biting, joyful irony, deserves to be rediscovered.
To fight against all forms of domination and sexist language, she invented a flowing prose with spoken accents, working in her own way to renovate the language of fiction. From the inside, through the voices of the heroines, her novels take us to the heart of the realities of the family, the couple, marriage and their vicissitudes.

Title Roman 20-50, n° 76/décembre 2023
Subtitle Christiane Rochefort : Le Repos du guerrier, Les Petits Enfants du siècle, Les Stances à Sophie
Edition First Edition
Edited by Anne Wattel
With Isabelle Boisclair, Willem Hardouin-Zanardi, Matthieu Rémy, Orit Mizrahi, Martine Sagaert, Aurore Turbiau, Anne Wattel
Foreword by Anne Wattel
Journal Roman 20-50
ISSN 02955024
Publisher Presses Universitaires du Septentrion
Imprint Roman 20-50
Dewey (abridged) 800 Literature rhetoric & criticism
Audience 06 Professional and scholarly
CLIL (Version 2013-2019) 4027 Etudes littéraires générales et thématiques
Title First Published 20 March 2024
Format Paperback
Nb of pages 218 p.
ISBN-10 2490889109
ISBN-13 978-2-490889-10-5
GTIN13 (EAN13) 9782490889105
Reference no. 2196
Publication Date 20 March 2024
Main content page count 218
Dimensions 16 x 24 x 1.2 cm
Weight 364 gr
List Price 20.00 €

Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille