Biodiversité, écosystèmes et santé

Biodiversité, écosystèmes et santé

Comprendre les épidémies

Anne Goffard, Serge Morand

It is now well established that human behavior has an impact on the environment, whether in terms of global warming or the destruction of biodiversity. However, these phenomena, which have tended to accelerate in recent decades, are themselves having an impact on human health, as evidenced by the increase in the number and severity of the epidemics we are facing: just think of the major health crisis of Covid-19.

It is therefore important to rigorously analyze the factors behind the emergence of past epidemics in order to be better prepared for the next ones that are not far away. But above all, we need to restore, as far as possible and before it's too late, the balance of the ecosystems that alone can guarantee the long-term survival of our species.

Title Biodiversité, écosystèmes et santé
Subtitle Comprendre les épidémies
Edition First Edition
Authors Anne Goffard, Serge Morand
ISSN 28265599
Publisher Presses Universitaires du Septentrion
BISAC Subject Heading SOC000000 SOCIAL SCIENCE
Dewey (abridged) 300 Social sciences
Audience 06 Professional and scholarly
CLIL (Version 2013-2019) 3081 Sciences sociales
3093 Santé
Title First Published 17 October 2024
Format Paperback
Nb of pages 82 p.
ISBN-10 2757441930
ISBN-13 978-2-7574-4193-0
GTIN13 (EAN13) 9782757441930
Reference no. 2287
Publication Date 17 October 2024
Main content page count 82
Dimensions 10.5 x 15 x 0.7 cm
Weight 64 gr
List Price 5.00 €

Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille