Le <i>Fidelio</i> de Beethoven

Le Fidelio de Beethoven

Transferts, circulations, appropriations (1798–XXIe siècle)

Edited by Patrice Veit, Philippe Gumplowicz, Caroline Moine, Jean-Claude Yon

Dialogues entre cultures

Beethoven's only opera, Fidelio, composed between 1804 and 1814, presents a heroic vision of conjugal love, at the same time as denouncing arbitrariness and celebrating freedom. This book, the result of a joint Franco-German research project, aims to provide as stimulating and original an overview as possible.

Researchers from various disciplines (musicology, history, law, literature) and representatives of the musical and theatrical scene (directors, performers) examine the transfers, transnational circulations and appropriations to which Fidelio has been subjected, from its genesis to the present day, in Europe and on other continents. Analysis of the socio-cultural and political contexts of Fidelio's many productions, performances and receptions locates aesthetic and philosophical readings of the work within cultural history.

Title Le Fidelio de Beethoven
Subtitle Transferts, circulations, appropriations (1798–XXIe siècle)
Edition First Edition
Edited by Patrice Veit, Philippe Gumplowicz, Caroline Moine, Jean-Claude Yon
ISSN 24923389
Publisher Presses Universitaires du Septentrion
BISAC Subject Heading HIS000000 HISTORY
Dewey (abridged) 900 History
Audience 06 Professional and scholarly
CLIL (Version 2013-2019) 3377 HISTOIRE
Title First Published 30 November 2024
Format Paperback
Nb of pages 384 p.
ISBN-10 2-7574-4236-8
ISBN-13 978-2-7574-4236-4
GTIN13 (EAN13) 9782757442364
Reference no. 2295
Publication Date 22 November 2024
Main content page count 384
Dimensions 16 x 24 x 2 cm
Weight 576 gr
List Price 28.00 €

Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille