Quand l'Histoire sert à faire la guerre

Quand l'Histoire sert à faire la guerre

On 21 February 2022, Vladimir Putin recognised the independence of the Ukrainian separatist territories. Three days later, Russia invaded Ukraine. Once again, history, at the centre of the Russian president's speech, had been used to justify the war.

Within the human and social sciences, history is unique in that it is not only a means of knowing the past, but also a tool for structuring identities and constructing national imaginations. Its argumentative and justificatory power has made it an instrument of political power and action. Over the centuries, leaders of states, social or political groups have mobilised, misused or manipulated it in order to prepare their public opinions, to convince the undecided, to encourage military engagement or to legitimise, in the eyes of the international community, the justification for the use of force and violence.

Between historical rigour and social issues, at the heart of the relationship between history, power and society, the texts gathered in this volume review the bellicose uses of history. From Antiquity to the present day, from the East to the West and from the North to the South, each chapter reminds us that knowledge of the past remains essential not only to understand the present world and its dynamics, but also to protect ourselves from the instrumentalisation of history and disinformation, both in the past and in the age of social networks.

Title Quand l'Histoire sert à faire la guerre
Edition First Edition
Title Part Numéro 17
Edited by Benjamin Deruelle
With Éric Aunoble, Deborah Barton, Carl Bouchard, Simon Cahanier, Laurent Colantonio, Benjamin Deruelle, Geneviève Dorais, Patrick Dramé, Bernard Gainot, Jean-Philippe Garneau, Christopher Goscha, Sophie Hulot, Hélène Sirantoine
Introduction by Benjamin Deruelle
ISSN 26778602
Publisher Presses Universitaires du Septentrion
BISAC Subject Heading HIS000000 HISTORY
HIS027000 HISTORY / Military
HIS027130 HISTORY / Military / Wars & Conflicts (Other)
Dewey (abridged) 900 History
Audience 06 Professional and scholarly
CLIL (Version 2013-2019) 3377 HISTOIRE
Title First Published 03 October 2023
Format Paperback
Nb of pages 210 p.
ISBN-10 2757439553
ISBN-13 978-2-7574-3955-5
GTIN13 (EAN13) 9782757439555
Reference no. 2214
Publication Date 03 October 2023
Main content page count 210
Dimensions 16 x 24 x 1.6 cm
Weight 355 gr
List Price 22.00 €
Format PDF
Nb of pages 210 p.
Product Detail PDF
ISBN-10 2-7574-3963-4
ISBN-13 978-2-7574-3963-0
GTIN13 (EAN13) 9782757439630
Reference no. 2214P
Related Formats Epublication based on (print product) GTIN-13 - (EAN 13) 9782757439555
Publication Date 03 October 2023
Publication , France
Technical Protection ebook None
Main content page count 210
7 illustrations, black & white
6 maps
2 figures
1 illustrations, color
List Price 17.00 €
Format Multi-item Pack
Nb of pages 210 p.
Product Detail 2
ISBN-10 2-7574-3971-5
ISBN-13 978-2-7574-3971-5
GTIN13 (EAN13) 9782757439715
Reference no. 2214L
Related Formats Epublication based on (print product) GTIN-13 - (EAN 13) 9782757439555
Publication Date 03 October 2023
Publication , France
Main content page count 210
Dimensions 16 x 24 x 1.6 cm
Weight 355 gr

Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille