Résumé :

Dans les deux mois de la campagne électorale des élections au Bundestag, la presse française a régulièrement repris les thèmes développés par la presse allemande : perte de profil des partis de la coalition gouvernementale (CDU et SPD), qui seraient prêts à la reconduire, et campagne en conséquence ennuyeuse. Mais les articles ont rendu hommage à l'efficacité de la chancelière, la femme la plus puissante du monde », et la presse a ainsi « fait campagne » en faveur d’Angela Merkel. Concernant le couple franco-allemand, la comparaison entre A. Merkel et le président de la République française ne fut que rarement à l’ordre du jour. Le Monde a été le seul journal à intensifier l’information sur la vie politique allemande et les évolutions de la société allemande dans la perspective d’un renforcement des relations franco-allemandes, d’une meilleure connaissance réciproque favorable à l’intégration européenne.

Abstract :

During the two months of the German campaign to the Bundestag elections, the French press regularly related the subjects which were developed through the German press: The two parties (CDU and SPD) lost their profile in the Big Coalition government, although they would be willing to extend and German people found the campaign very boring. But articles have praised the effectiveness of the Chancellor, the "most powerful woman in the world", and the press has finally "campaigned" in favor of Angela Merkel. Concerning the French-German couple, A. Merkel and the French president were rarely compared. The French newspaper Le Monde was the only one who used this campaign to increase information about German politic life and society: his purpose was to strength the French-German relationships, and to get a better mutual understanding in favor of European integration intensify.
A comparison between A. Merkel and the French president was not made very often though the importance of the French German couple. The French newspaper Le Monde was the only one who used this campaign to present the changes in German politic life and society: his purpose was to intensify French German Relationship and European integration.