Our Series:

Albums de Croÿ
Architecture et urbanisme
Arts du spectacle - Images et sons
This collection apprehends artistic media as visual and auditory experiences and memories but it also considers images and sounds as knowledge and techniques. This articulation between thoughts and techniques invites the reader to contemplate images...
Arts du spectacle - Théâtre
Bibliothèque des seigneurs du Nord
The "Bibliothèque des Seigneurs du Nord" (Library of the Lords of the North) gives the opportunity to read original - and hitherto generally unpublished - texts of the regional heritage. These textual and iconographic testimonies of prime importance for…
Cahiers de philologie
Interpretations of ancient or modern works abound, add up, contradict each other and often ignore one another. This plurality, indefinitely open, is immediately doubled by the theoretical justifications attempting to explain it: each interpretation...
Capitalismes - éthique - institutions
The works in this series are concerned with capitalisms in their historical and geographical diversity, more particularly, with the institutions which secure the embedding of capitalism in society and chart this spatio-temporal diversity.
Claude Simon
Series supervised by Dominique Viart. Represented by a skein designed by Literature-Nobel-Prize-winner Claude Simon himself, the series which bears his name unravels from book to book the tangled threads of his complex and rich work.
Conflits et résolution de conflits
Dialogues entre cultures
The goal of this series is to contribute to the development of multidisciplinary-oriented studies dealing with the interactions between languages and cultures. It encourages a reflection on cultural diversity, multilingualism, transculturality...
Les dictionnaires de Septentrion
Documents et témoignages
Domaines anglophones
The Domaines anglophones series explores English literatures in their geographical and cultural diversity, including all literary genres and historical eras. The approach chosen is provided by the transdisciplinary problematics influencing the most...
Droit / manuels
Droit des personnes et de la famille
L'économie retrouvée
Économies et sociétés
Éducation et didactiques
Created in 1995 and supervised by Yves Reuter, Éducation et Didactiques comprises two complementary series. The Éducation series presents theorical reflections or research about formal and informal education, whether they draw from reference...
Environnement et société
This series of works highlights the multidimensional (either social, economic, ethical, industrial, scientific, technologic or else…) aspect of environmental issues. Far from being circumscribed to a determined scope, the environment keeps on...
Espaces politiques
Esthétique et sciences des arts
Étude de la traduction
Études Irlandaises
Études weiliennes
Europe, Europe[s]
Géographie et aménagement
Guides pratiques
Histoire de la linguistique
Histoire de l'art
Histoire des sciences
Histoire des villes
Histoire et civilisations
Series supervised by Michel Leymarie. This series is concerned with individual and collective historical studies of the medieval, modern and contemporaries eras. With already 140 titles in its catalogue, it puts forwards the various historical methods...
Histoire franco-allemande
Histoire politique
Humanités numériques et science ouverte
Information - Communication
The "Information - Communication" collection focuses on work on information intelligence, document engineering and human "make sense". Two fields of application bear witness to this: new writings, especially audiovisual and digital media, and the concept…
Lettres et Civilisations des Flandres et des Pays-Bas
Lettres et Civilisations des pays Hispanophones
Lettres et Civilisations italiennes
Lettres et Civilisations Slaves
Littérature française
Littérature générale
Littératures de langue allemande
Littératures étrangères
Master [Histoire – Archéologie – Histoire de l'art]
This collection hosts the proceedings of the annual symposium for master's students in history, archeology and art history, founded within the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Lille.
Mémoire des lettres
Métiers et pratiques de formation
Mondes germaniques
Mythes, Imaginaires, Religions
Les nouveaux rendez-vous d'Archimède
« Objet » : comme vous avez raison de vous arrêter à ce mot insolite ou bizarre, c'est vrai, j'ai le culte de l'objet. La collection que je dirige aux presses du Septentrion...
Patrimoine de l'Université de Lille
Patrimoine universitaire Nord-Pas-de-Calais
The Perspectives series offers new contributions to critical works concerned with 20th century literature. It gathers reference studies on contemporary literature whose academic values are highlighted and reinforced. Taking into account all literature...
The mission of the "Philosophie" collection is to question philosophical notions, concepts and ideas. Relating to topics of reflection or, on the contrary, to fields that have not yet been explored in detail, the books cover various issues that promote…
Philosophie & linguistique
Philosophie ancienne
Philosophie contemporaine
Philosophie, Epistémologie, Histoire des Sciences
Problématiques philosophiques
Psychologie cognitive
Psychologie sociale
Psychomécanique du langage
Racines & modèles
Le regard sociologique
Series supervised by Vincent Caradec and Danilo Martucelli. "Le regard sociologique" presents individual and collective studies which aim at understanding and explaining the impact of society on human representations and behaviors.
Savoirs mieux
A transversal series of small format books, Savoirs mieux investigates in condensed form lively topics in various fields of knowledge. Far from any set formula, researchers find in this series a space to draw their vision of what really matters...
Sciences cognitives
Sciences humaines
Sciences juridiques et sociales
Sciences politiques
Sciences sociales
Sens et preuves
Sens et Structures
Sport et Sciences Sociales
Textes et perspectives
Victorian Fiction

Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille