Christian Le Bart

Christian Le Bart
Les Maires
Sociologie d'un rôle
Espaces politiques

With Christian Le Bart

Edited by Anne-Sophie Petitfils, Sébastien Ségas, Arthur Delaporte
Les partis font-ils encore la campagne ?
Les coulisses des élections municipales de 2020
Espaces politiques
This book provides an insight into the changing role of political parties in municipal elections, whereas they are becoming less and less visible.

Edited by Rémi Lefebvre, Sébastien Vignon
Politiser l'intercommunalité ?
Le cas des élections locales de 2020
Espaces politiques
Although strengthened by the NOTRe law (August 7, 2015), intermunicipal institutions remain (still) at the end of the 2020 municipal election campaign a level of public action that is not very visible to citizens. The electoral debates have not indeed produced the conditions for a (new) democratic debate on intercommunality.

Edited by Samuel Hayat, Nicolas Kaciaf, Cédric Passard
Le porte-parole
Fondements et métamorphoses d'un rôle politique
Espaces politiques
What does it mean to speak for others? Although spokespersons are omnipresent in public debates, this figure remains paradoxically little studied.

Edited by Jean-Louis Briquet, Laurent Godmer
Espaces politiques
Can politics exist without territorial anchoring, ie without continual presence in a restricted area and without a sustainable link between political actors, local social groupings and spaces where social life and collective interests organize themselves?

Edited by Anaïs Theviot
Médias et élections
Les campagnes 2017 : primaires, présidentielle et législatives françaises
Espaces politiques
In a context of mistrust of parties and politicians (distance from political arenas, ideological jamming, politico-financial affairs, "drifts" of political communication…), denigration of the work of journalists.

Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille