Michel Hastings

Michel Hastings
Halluin la rouge 1919-1939
Aspects d'un communisme identitaire

Edited by Michel Hastings

Edited by Michel Hastings, Bruno Villalba
De l'impunité
Tensions, controverses et usages
Espaces politiques
The question of impunity is actually experiencing a renewed interest. In its name, democratic societies build and negociate the moral borders of what they consider unbearable

Preface by Michel Hastings

Marie-Pierre Richard
Espaces politiques
Local citizenship has been much debated all over Europe. In Sweden its legitimacy has proven to be widely recognised due to good quality local governments' institutions implementing welfare programs. Despite privatization and budget cutbacks, local services provision remains of high standard.

With Michel Hastings

Edited by Michel Hastings, Bruno Villalba
De l'impunité
Tensions, controverses et usages
Espaces politiques
The question of impunity is actually experiencing a renewed interest. In its name, democratic societies build and negociate the moral borders of what they consider unbearable

Edited by Jean-Jacques Lavenue
E-révolutions et révolutions
Résistances et résiliences
Espaces politiques
The so-called "Arab Springs"give rise to a number of myths and phantasms, and a lot of texts only consider the surface of movements, with both fascination and exaltation about social networks. But the digital expression of contestation is not sufficient to explain the phenomenon. It is preferable to consider deep reasons moving agents and...

Edited by Jean-Jacques Lavenue, Bruno Villalba
Espaces politiques

Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille