Nicolas Beaupré

Nicolas Beaupré
Histoire franco-allemande Volume 8

With Nicolas Beaupré

Edited by Bruno Benoit
Édouard Herriot en quatre portraits
Le Lyonnais, l'humaniste, le politique et l'européen
Histoire et civilisations
The analysis of Edouard Herriot's public life (1905-1957) still sheds light on the historical background of Lyon, France and international relations.

Edited by Laurent Jalabert, Reiner Marcowitz, Arndt Weinrich
La longue mémoire de la Grande Guerre
Regards croisés franco-allemands de 1918 à nos jours
Histoire et civilisations
The Great War strongly marked the western societies of the XXth century until our days, quite particularly Germany and France. However, beyond a common history connected to both world conflicts, the World War I engendered memories at the same time close and different.

Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille