Jean-Baptiste Santamaria

Jean-Baptiste Santamaria
Histoire et civilisations
From Artois to Burgundy, Marguerite of France can be regarded as a female incarnation of political reformism during the Hundred Years' War.

With Jean-Baptiste Santamaria

Edited by Caroline zum Kolk, Boris Bove, Alain Salamagne
Histoire et civilisations
The studies composing this book examine, from a comparative perspective, the long-term evolution of curial itinerancy in France, the nature of courtly mobility and its impact on both the royal entourage and society at large.

Edited by Emmanuelle Cronier, Benjamin Deruelle
Argumenter en guerre
Discours de guerre, sur la guerre et dans la guerre de l'Antiquité à nos jours
Numéro 3
The art of argumentation does not yield its rights in war situations. On the contrary, the preparation of conflicts, the conduct of operations and the reconstruction of peace are intense moments of persuasion, negotiation and confrontation in which public speaking occupies its full place.

Lille 1 Lille 2 Lille 3 Université du littoral, côte d'Opale Université Valenciennes Hainaut Cambrésis Université Catholique de Lille